Authored Books
- Alle origini della fattoria toscana. L'ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala di Siena e le sue terre, c.1250-c.1450 Salimbeni, Florence, 1986.
- An island for itself. Economic development and social transformation in late medieval Sicily Past and Present Publications Series: Cambridge, 1992; revised edn. translated as Potere e mercati in Sicilia. Secoli XIII-XVI, Einaudi, Turin, 1996.
- Freedom and Growth, Markets and states in Europe, 1300-1750, London: Routledge, 2000, (see '')
Edited Books
- (with T. Szabó, D. Ciampoli & M. Ginatempo) Lo Statuto dei Viarî di Siena. Viabilità e legislazione di uno stato cittadino del Duecento, Siena, 1993.
- (with G. Haupt, C. Poni and H. Soly), Guilds, economy and society, Madrid 1998.
- Town and country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge, 2001.
Articles in Journals
- '', Archeologia medievale, 15 (1988), 535-49.
- '', Journal of medieval history, 15 (1989), 141-83.
- '', Past and Present, 130 (1991), 3-50
- '', Economic history review, 2nd ser. 46 (1993), 453-77.
- '', Studi di storia medioevale e diplomatica, 14 (1993), 55-89.
- '', Journal of medieval history, 19 (1993), 273-83.
- '', Rivista di storia economica, 12 (1994), 111-37.
- '', Economic history review, 2nd ser., 47 (1994), 459-82
- 'A reply', in 'Debat: Comerç internacional i desenvolupament regional en el Mediterrani: La Sicília medieval de S.R.Epstein', Revista d'història medieval 5 (1995), 133-80
- Revista d'història medieval 6 (1995), 63-77.
- '', Storica 8 (1997), 201-7.
- ', Història (Madrid) (1998), 417-38
- , The journal of economic history 53 (1998), 684-713.
- ', Itinerario 15, 2 (2000), 87-104.
- 'History matters: lessons from the marketplace', ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Magazine, Summer 2002.
- (with M.M. Bullard, B.G.Kohl, and S.M. Stuard), ', Speculum 79 (2004), 88-119.
- '', American Economic Review 94, 2 (2004), 382-87.
Articles in Books
- '', in Strutture del potere economico e politico nelle città dell'Europa medievale e moderna (Naples, 1993), pp. 43-64.
- '', in P.Schiera ed. Origini dello Stato. Processi di formazione statale in Italia fra medioevo ed età moderna(Bologna, 1994), pp.97-111.
- '', in E. V. Barker ed. ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ on freedom (London, 1995), pp.165-81. Reprinted New Brunswick, N. J. 1997; Hamburg, 1997; translated as 'Libertad y crecimiento: el milagro europeo?', Anuario IEHS (Buenos Aires), 14 (1999)
- '', in F. Benigno and C. Torrisi eds. Elites e potere in Sicilia. Dal medioevo ad oggi (Rome, 1995), pp.31-45.
- '', in R. Fubini ed. La Toscana al tempo di Lorenzo il Magnifico. Politica Economia Cultura Arte (Pisa, 1996), III, pp.869-90.
- '', in M.Boone and W.Prevenier eds. Finances publiques et finances privées au bas moyen âge(Leuven-Apeldoorn, 1996), pp.101-115.
- '', in Atti del XVI Congresso di Storia della Corona d'Aragona, Sassari-Alghero 19-24 maggio 1990: La Corona d'Aragona, Sassari-Alghero 19-24 maggio 1990: La Corona d'Aragona in Italia (secc.XIII-XVIII). Presenza ed espansione della Corona d'Aragona in Italia (secc.XIII-XV) (Sassari, 1996), III, pp. 383-415.
- 'Power, resistance and authorities. Craft guilds and technological change in pre-industrial Europe', in B. Ranson ed. Guild-Hall and Government: An Exploration of Power, Control and Resistance in Britain and China, II. Power, Resistance and Authorities: Aspects of Guild Organisation in England, Hong Kong 1997, pp.46-69
- '', in T. Scott ed. The peasantries of Europe from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century (London, 1998), pp.75-110.
- 'Market structures', in W. Connell and A. Zorzi eds. Florentine Tuscany: Structures and Practices of Power, Cambridge, 2000, pp.90-121.
- ,in M. Casson, ed. Cultural Factors and Economic Growth, Munich-New York: Springer Verlag, 2000, pp.152-81.
- '' , in M. H. Hansen, ed. A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures, Copenhagen, 2000, pp.277-94.
- 'The late medieval crisis as an "integration crisis"', in M. Prak, ed. Early modern capitalism. Economic and social change in Europe, 1400-1800, London, 2000, pp.25-50.
- 'Town and country in Europe, 1300-1800', in S. R. Epstein ed. Town and country in Europe between the fourteenth and the eighteenth centuries, Cambridge, 2001, pp.1-29.
- Labour and labour markets between town and countryside. Part II: Middle Ages-16th century. Introduction', in B. Blondé, E. Vanhaute and M. Galand eds., Labour and labour markets between town and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century), Turnhout, 2001, pp.76-81
- 'Fairs, towns, and states in Renaissance Europe', in S. cavaciocchi ed. Fiere e mercati nella integrazione delle economie europee secc.XIII-XVIII, Florence 2001, pp.71-90.
- '', in A.Zorzi and W.Connell eds. Lo Stato territoriale fiorentino (secoli XIV-XV). Ricerche, linguaggi, confronti, Pisa, 2002
- in L.Hilaire-Perez and A.Garçon eds. Pratiques historiques de l'innovation, historicité de l'économie des savoirs (12e - 19e siècles) Paris,2004 and in M. Arnoux and P. Monnet eds. Le technician dans la cité en Europe occidentale 1250-1650, Rome 2004, pp.251-269.
- '', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
- '', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
- '', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
- ', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
In press
- 'L'economia', in L'Italia alla fine del Medioevo: I caratteri originali nel quadro europeo, Pisa 2005.
- State and society in Italy, 1300-1750, 2 vols. Oxford-Rhode Island: Berghahn, 2005.
- '', in J. Hall and R. Schroeder eds. An Anatomy of Power: The Social Theory of Michael Mann, Cambridge UP 2005.
- 'Rodney Hilton, Marxism and the transition from feudalism to capitalism', in C. Dyer, P. Coss, C. Wickham eds. Rodney Hilton's Middle Ages 400-1600, Cambridge UP 2005.
- 'The economy', in M. Vale ed. The Oxford History of the Later Middle Ages, Oxford UP 2005
In Preparation
- , (click here for )
- (with M. Prak) Guilds, Innovation and the economy in europe, 1500-1800
- (with P. K. O'Brien) The formation and efficiency of fiscal states in Eurasia, 1498-1914
Working Papers
- 'Cities, regions and the late medieval crisis: Sicily and Tuscany compared', Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Siena, n.110, Oct.1990.
- Regional fairs, institutional innovation and economic growth in late medieval Europe', ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Working papers in Economic History, 11/1992.
- 'Freedom and growth. The European miracle?', ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Working papers in Economic History, 22/1994.
- 'Craft guilds, apprenticeship and technological change in pre-modern Europe', ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Working papers in Economic History, 25/1995.
- 'The late medieval crisis as an "integration crisis"', ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Working papers in Economic History, 46/1998.
- 'The rise and decline of Italian city-states', ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Working papers in Economic History, 51/1999
- (Working Paper in the Nature of Evidence: How well do facts travel?)
- W. Bowsky, A medieval Italian commune. Siena under the Nine, 1287-1355 (Berkeley-Los Angeles 1981); translated as Un comune italiano nel Medioevo. Siena sotto il regime dei Nove, 1287-1355, Bologna, 1986.
- D. and F. Kent, Neighbours and neighbourhood in Renaissance Florence: the district of the Red Lion in the fifteenth century (New York, 1982); in Ricerche storiche, 1984.
- Catalogo della biblioteca di Armando Sapori (Montepulciano, 1982); in Archivio storico italiano, 1984.
- Il Caleffo Vecchio del Comune di Siena (Siena, 1986); in Bullettino senese di storia patria, 1986.
- H. Van der Wee ed. The rise and decline of urban industries in Italy and in the Low Countries (late Middle Ages - early modern times) (Leuven, 1988), in Economic history review, 1989.
- G. W. Day, Genoa's response to Byzantium 1155-1204. Commercial expansion and factionalism in a medieval city (Urbana-Chicago, 1988), in English historical review, 1992
- E. D. English, Enterprise and liability in Sienese banking, 1230-1350 (Cambridge Mass., 1988), in English historical review, 1992.
- T. H. Lloyd, England and the German Hanse 1157-1611. A study of their trade and commercial diplomacy (Cambridge, 1991), in History, 1993.
- G. Petralia, Banchieri e famiglie mercantili nel Mediterraneo aragonese (Pisa, 1989), in English historical review, 1993.
- T. Dean and C. Wickham eds., City and countryside in late medieval and Renaissance Italy. Essays presented to Philip Jones (London-Ronceverte, 1990), in English historical review, 1994.
- M. Ambrosoli, Scienziati, contadini e proprietari. Botanica e agricoltura nell'Europa occidentale, 1350-1850 (Turin, 1992), in The agricultural history review, 1994.
- I. Peri, Villani e cavalieri nella Sicilia medievale (Bari, 1993), in English historical review, 1995.
- R. C. Jennings, Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean world, 1571-1640 (New York-London, 1993), in Società e storia, 66 (1995)
- B. M. S. Campbell, J. A. Galloway, D. Keene and M. Murphy, A medieval capital and its grain supply: agrarian production and distribution in the London region (London, 1993), in London journal, 1995.
- O. R. Constable, Trade and traders in Muslim Spain. The commercial realignment of the Iberian Peninsula 900-1500 (Cambridge, 1994), in Economic history review, 1995.
- A. Molho, Marriage alliance in late medieval Florence (Cambridge, Mass. 1994), in The journal of modern history, 68 (June 1996)
- E. S. Hunt, The medieval super-companies. A study of the Peruzzi company of Florence (Cambridge, 1994), in Economic history review, 1995.
- P. Clark (ed.) Small towns in early modern Europe (Cambridge, 1995), in Economic history review, 49 (1996)
- M. Kowalewski, Local markets and regional trade in medieval Exeter (Cambridge, 1995), forthcoming in Rural history
- D. M. Hafter ed. European women and preindustrial craft (Bloomington and Indianapolis 1995), in Social history review
- C. R. Backman, The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily. Politics, Religion and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296-1337 (Cambridge, 1995), in English historical review
- M. Berg, A woman in history. Eileen Power 1889-1940 (Cambridge, 1996), in Economic history review 1997
- M. Bratchel, Lucca 1430-1494. The reconstruction of an Italian city-republic (Oxford, 1995), in American historical review 1997
- S. Pollard, Marginal Europe. The contribution of marginal lands since the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1997), in Economic history review 1999
- J. Ward, Metropolitan communities: trade guilds, identity, and change in early modern London (Stanford, 1997), in English historical review, 1999
- P. Squatriti, Water and society in early medieval Italy, AD400-1000 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, in Economic history review, 1999
- J. Thompson, Decline in history: The European experience (Cambridge: Polity, 1998) in Journal of economic history, 2000
- J. Day, Money and finance in the age of merchant capitalism (Oxford/Marlden: Blackwell, 1999) in Journal of economic history, 2000
- R. K. Marshall, The Local Merchants of Prato. Small Entrepreneurs in the Late Medieval Economy (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999), in English historical review, 2000
- Peter Hoppenbrouwers and Jan Luiten van Zanden eds. Peasants into Farmers? The Transformation of Rural Economy and Society in the Low Countries (Middle Ages-19th Century) in Light of the Brenner Debate (Turnhout, 2001), in Journal of Economic History 2002
- E. I. Mineo, Nobiltà di Stato. Famiglie e identità aristocratiche nel tardo medioevo: La Sicilia, (Rome, 2001), in English Historical Review 2004.