
Behavioural Lab

I am an Academic Researcher or Educator.

The ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Behavioural Lab (BL) welcomes inquiries from academics  across disciplines to conduct behavioural research and teaching. BL is open for research use to academic researchers from any department, institute and division,within ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ and beyond. Below we have listed a few of the most common academic research and teaching uses of the lab. If your use is not listed here, please do reach out to the Lab Manager at bl@lse.ac.uk with further enquiries. 

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ faculty researcher

What can I expect from lab usage? 

The Behavioural Lab provides a world-class research environment for you to see your research come to life. You will receive logistical assistance in setting up your study within our lab, participant recruitment and compensation management, and administrative support throughout the process. As an ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ faculty member, you do not have to pay for usage of the lab space, however you must cover all participant compensation.


Next steps

We recommend an initial conversation with the Lab Manager to share your plans and see how the Behavioural Lab can meet your needs. Please email bl@lse.ac.uk to organise a time after you have a design in mind. 

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ faculty supervising a student

Code of conduct

Students, both at the MSc and PhD level, are encouraged to gain in-person lab experience through conducting research in fulfilment of degree requirements. Importantly, the success of this research requires strong collaboration between student and supervisor. We expect the methodology of the study to be agreed between the supervisor and student, in accordance with what is feasible given the Lab facilities, the capacity of the student, and the timeline of the project. The Lab staff do not have the capability to provide supervision-level support or guidance to students. 

Timelines and expectations 

Early booking is critical to ensure course deadlines are met (at least 3-4 months before the deadline of the project). We expect the supervisor to maintain an open dialogue with the student and provide support for any methodological changes that arise. Importantly, if the intended research uses any advanced methodologies (like VR, EEG, eye tracking, etc.) we expect the supervisor to have a working command of this methodology. While we can provide guidance to the student on resources, we cannot provide intensive support for study design, usage, or data analysis for these methodologies.  

Next steps 

Please ensure you discuss with your student the design and budget, as well as ethics approval of the study. Students are encouraged to contact the Lab Manager (bl@lse.ac.uk) as soon as usage of the Behavioural Lab is discussed for a project. It is important to allow for ample time for ethics approval, study execution as well as to provide sanity checks for how compatible a study design is with our Lab facilities and availability.  


ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ student (research for degree program)

What can I expect from lab usage? 

We are excited to welcome you into the lab for your dissertation or thesis research. This is an exciting opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research using our facilities. We expect research to be guided by yourself, with the support of your academic supervisor, and are on hand to help bring your research into the Lab. 

Code of conduct 

When you do research with the Lab, you will have the same responsibilities of any other faculty-level or commercial researcher. You will be working with our participant pool and representing the Lab and the ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳, and it is important that this work is treated professionally. You will have access to the space and are asked to be respectful of our Lab procedures and follow the guidelines given by ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ (e.g. submit a research ethics application) and Lab staff.  

Timelines and expectations 

The most important thing in conducting research with the Lab is careful planning. We understand that course timelines can be challenging, but we ask that you contact the Lab as soon in advance as possible to discuss your research. As many student researchers operate on similar timelines, we are often busy in Spring Term and operate on a first-come, first-served basis for student researchers. Early discussion of your research plans also allows you to work out, together with Lab staff, how to make best use of the Lab resources and your time.  


Next steps 

We recommend an initial conversation with the Lab Manager as soon as you are considering working with the Lab and have a supervisor. Please email bl@lse.ac.uk to organise a time. 

Non-ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ academic researcher

What can I expect from lab usage? 

The Behavioural Lab provides a world-class research environment for you to see your research come to life. You will receive logistical assistance in setting up your study within our lab, participant recruitment and compensation management, and administrative support throughout the process. Whether you are interested in the commercial rental of our research spaces or a collaborative research project working with our leading experts, we look forward to welcoming you to our Lab. 


Next steps 

We recommend an initial conversation with the Lab Manager to share your plans and see how the Behavioural Lab can meet your needs. Please email bl@lse.ac.uk to organise a time. 

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Faculty Educator

What can I expect from lab usage? 

The Behavioural Lab provides a world-class teaching environment where students can gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art research facilities. The teaching lab is regularly used for lectures and hands-on  seminars, for a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses such as the core methods courses PB471E and PB413E in the Executive MSc in Behavioural Science, the foundational experimental design course PB413 in the MSc in Behavioural Science, and statistics and research methods courses PB130 and PB230 in the BSc in Psychological and Behavioural Science, among others. 

The lab is also regularly used to host specialist workshops and training events on the state-of-the-art specialist software. A list of past workshops and events is here

The dedicated teaching room is a flexible space equipped with 60 computers. This makes it a suitable space for large group teaching. An integrated room divider means the space can be separated into two independent full-equipped classrooms, suitable for smaller group teaching. 

Explore BL