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ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Commission on the Future of Britain in Europe

Reports & blogs 

The ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Commission on the Future of Britain in Europe aimed to inform the national debate on Britain’s membership of the European Union, with high quality, evidence-based and balanced analysis. It aimed to meet the public need for reliable information in the run-up to the national referendum on the renegotiated terms of Britain’s EU membership, which was held on Thursday 23 June 2016.

The work of the Commission has concentrated on a series of expert hearings convened by ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ academics. Participants included: senior British and EU public officials, policy practitioners, academics, think tanks, journalists and business representatives. The Hearings examined: “negotiation issues”, the options for a reconfigured UK-EU relationship and the wider impact of a Brexit on the UK, as well as on the EU as a whole.

Each convenor produced a report of their hearing which has contributed to a final Overview and Summary of reports, which sets out an overall assessment of the case for continued British EU membership or a Brexit. The European Institute launched the Commission report at a on Tuesday 7 June 2016. 

We dedicated our investigation to the memory of the late Professor Maurice Fraser, former Head of the European Institute. The Commission was his initiative: sadly, he died in February unable to see its completion. It reflected his life-long passion for Europe and we hope we have done his memory justice. 

Hearing 1: EU Financial Regulation & Protection for Eurozone "Outs"

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Convenor: Dr Waltraud Schelkle, Associate Professor of Political Economy, November 2015

Hearing blog summary by Dr Schelkle, (November 2015):  

Hearing blog by Dr Schelkle, (January 2016):

Hearing 2: Higher Education & Research

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Convenor: Dr Anne Corbett, Associate, ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Enterprise, December 2015

Hearing blog summary by Dr Corbett, (December 2015):

Hearing 3: Social Europe, EU Employment Legislation & the UK's Labour Market 

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Convenors: Dr Bob Hancké, Associate Professor of Political Economy                     
Dr Steve Coulter, ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Fellow in Political Economy of Europe December 2015 

Hearing blog summary by Dr Coulter, (December 2015):

Hearing 4: Free Movement of Persons & Migration

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Convenor: Dr Eiko Thielemann,  Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy; Director, ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ Migration Studies Unit  (MSU); January 2016

Hearing blog summary by Dr Thielemann & Daniel Schade, (February 2016):

Report blog summary by Dr Thielemann & Daniel Schade, (May 2016)

Hearing 5: External Perspectives on the UK’s membership of the EU

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Convenor: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Head of European Institute; January 2016

Hearing blog summary by Professor Featherstone, (February 2016):

Hearing 6: The Implications of Brexit for Fundamental Rights Protection in the UK

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Convenor: Dr Jo Eric Kushal Murkens, Associate Professor of Law; February 2016

Hearing blog summary by Dr Murkens & Sarah Trotter (March 2016):

Hearing 7: Britain as a Global Actor after Brexit

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Convenors: Dr Spyros Economides, Associate Professor of International Relations and European Politics;                                   Dr Mareike Kleine,  Associate Professor of EU and International Politics; March 2016

Hearing blog summary by Dr Economides & Julia Himmrich (May 2016):

Hearing 8: The UK's Democratic Moment on 'Europe'

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Session 1: The EU Referendum: Campaigns, Voters and the Democratic Mandate
Convenor: Professor Sara B Hobolt,  Sutherland Chair in European Institutions

Session 2: The Role of National Parliaments in the European Union
Convenor: Dr Sara Hagemann,  Assistant Professor, European InstituteMarch 2016

Hearing blog summary by  Sara Hobolt & Sara Hagemann (April 2016):

Hearing blog summary by  Sara Hobolt & Sara Hagemann (April 2016):  

Hearing 9: Implications of a Brexit for UK National Governance & Local Government 

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Convenors: Professor Tony Travers, Director of ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ London, Professor in Practice; April 2016

Hearing 10: "Ever Closer Union"

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Convenor: Professor Simon Glendinning, Professor of European Philosophy; April 2016

Hearing blog summary by Simon Glendinning & Roch Dunin-Wąsowicz, (June 2016):

Hearing 11: Economic Impact of Brexit

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Convenor: Professor Iain Begg,  Professorial Research Fellow;
May 2016