People walking in Chile


The BSPS aims to further the scientific study of biological, economic, historical, medical, social and other disciplines connected with human populations and to contribute to the public awareness of them

The British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) is a non-profitable society of persons with a scientific interest in the study of human populations. BSPS was founded in 1973, but originated in the 1960s.

Its main objectives are to further the scientific study of biological, economic, historical, medical, social and other disciplines connected with human populations and to contribute to the public awareness of them. BSPS provides a forum for discussion of these issues and is a vehicle for the interchange of ideas. It provides facilities for study and research and for the exchange and dissemination of information.

In order to fulfil its objectives, BSPS organises various events: half-day and day meetings, occasional workshops and an annual conference. BSPS produces a newsletter at least three times a year.

Council officers and members

From September 2023

Hon. Officers

President: Professor Nicola Shelton - n.shelton@ucl.ac.uk  

Vice-President: Steve Smallwood - steve.smallwood@ons.gov.uk

Hon. Treasurer: Dr. Lee Williamson - lee.williamson@ed.ac.uk

Hon. Secretary:  Dr. Melanie Channon - m.d.channon@bath.ac.uk 

Council members

Dr. Francesca Fiori -  francesca.fiori@strath.ac.uk

Dr. Alice Goisis - A.Goisis@ucl.ac.uk 

Dr. Jason Hilton - j.d.hilton@soton.ac.uk 

Phil Humby - philip.humby@ons.gov.uk 

Professor Shireen Kanji - shireen.kanji@brunel.ac.uk 

Dr. Rishita Nandagiri - rishita.nandagiri@kcl.ac.uk

Dr. Nitzan Peri-Rotem - n.peri-rotem@exeter.ac.uk

Professor Eric Schneider - E.B.Schneider@lse.ac.uk

Dr. Laura Sochas - laura.sochas@ed.ac.uk 

Dr. Sarah Walters - sarah.walters@lshtm.ac.uk 

Graduate student Committee

Izzy Carter (ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳)

Hampton Gaddy (ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳)

Parth Pandya (St Andrews)

Nilofer Sait (ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳)

BSPS Secretariat

BSPS Secretariat

POR.2.01, London School of Economics

Houghton Street

London WC2A 2AE


Telephone +44 (0) 20 7955 7666

Email: pic[at]lse.ac.uk 

Website: www.bsps.org.uk/bsps

BSPS Presidents past and present

BSP Presidents serve a 2-year term.

1974 – David Glass

1976 – William Brass

1978 – Tony Wrigley

1979 - 81 – E. Grebenik

1981 - 83 – David Eversley

1983 - 85 – Jean Thompson

1985 - 87 – Roger Schofield

1987 - 89 – John Hobcraft

1989 - 91 – John Fox

1991 - 93 – Bob Woods

1993 - 95 – Tim Dyson

1995 - 97 – Ian Diamond

1997 - 99 – John Cleland

1999 - 2001 – Heather Joshi

2001 - 03 – John Haskey

2003 - 05 – Mike Murphy

2005 - 07 – John Hollis

2007 - 09 – Paul Boyle

2009 - 11 – Emily Grundy

2011 - 13 – Ludi Simpson

2013 - 15 – Tony Champion

2015 - 17 – Jane Falkingham

2017 - 19 – Piers Elias

2019 - 21 – Wendy Sigle

2021 - 23 – Alice Reid

2023 - 25 – Nicola Shelton


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