Parkes Foundation
The Parkes Foundation Small Grants Fund helps to promote research into the biosocial sciences. Priority is given to the support of fieldwork that involves the integrated study of biological and social features of human populations. Relevant disciplines are anthropology, demography, population studies, ecology and environmental studies, nutrition, and population genetics.
Grants are directed particularly towards helping graduate research students meet their fieldwork costs, but others may apply. Undergraduate projects, however, are not supported. Grants are small, usually not exceeding £600.
Mrs MA Herbertson
Department of Biological Anthropology
Downing St.
Cambridge CB2 3DZ
Tel: +44 (0)1223 335454
The Nuffield Foundation
Small Grants Scheme in the Social Sciences
This scheme makes small grants for social science research expenses. Awards are normally up to £7,500, although in exceptional circumstances awards may be made up to a maximum of £12,000. The scheme has no closing date. Applicants must be resident and working at a UK institution, although the research may be undertaken outside the UK.
Trustees have identified three priorities for funding:
- Projects that develop social science research capacity particularly by supporting the work of those new to social science research
- Self-contained or pilot or preliminary projects that address the wider objects of the foundation, namely a broad concern with the 'advancement of social well-being'
- Outstanding small projects in the social sciences
See the website.
Opportunities and Choices Programme (Department for International Development (DFID)-funded) Small Grants Scheme
The Opportunities and Choices Programme offers a limited number of small grants for the development of research proposals that fall under the five major themes of the programme:
- Reproductive health in developing countries
- Availability of services
- New knowledge of affordability
- Operationalising the delivery of quality care, evaluation and monitoring
- Capacity building and effective 'research into practice' techniques
The aim of the small grants scheme is to strengthen capacity among developing world researchers, to cover proposal development expenses and/ or small pilot projects that go on to inform research proposals submitted to larger funding bodies. Applicants are encouraged to consult the website and contact the programme to discuss potential subject areas.
The British Academy
The has both small (up to £7,500) and large (up to £20,000) research grants available to help meet research expenses (for postdoctoral, but not postgraduate, researchers).
Population Investigation Committee
The Population Investigation Committee (PIC) established a scholarship fund in 1996, due to concern about the problems of UK students in obtaining funds for further study. Tutors of approved one-year MSc courses in subjects with a high demographic content are invited to apply on behalf of suitable candidates. Students in receipt of other major grants for postgraduate study are excluded.
The current value of a scholarship is £15,000.
Course tutors are advised at the beginning of April of the number and value of the scholarships available and are advised of the date by which applications must be received.
Please note that applications must be made by course tutors.
Population Investigation Committee
Room PS201
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
Tel: +44 (0)20 7955 7666