Alex C Evans, (10 March 2023) Kluwer International Tax Blog
Alex C Evans. (15 August 2022) austaxpolicyblog (Tax and Transfer Policy Institute’s Blog)
Alex C Evans, (18 July 2022) austaxpolicyblog (Tax and Transfer Policy Institute’s Blog)
Alex C Evans, (15 February 2022) austaxpolicyblog (Tax and Transfer Policy Institute’s Blog)
Alex C Evans, (27 May 2021) austaxpolicyblog (Tax and Transfer Policy Institute’s Blog)
Alex C Evans, (25 October 2019) austaxpolicyblog (Tax and Transfer Policy Institute’s Blog)
Alex C Evans,
The Conversation (23 November 2015)
Alex Evans, ‘The Elephant in the Room: Bamford and the High Court’
(30 October 2009) Weekly Tax Bulletin 2110