Kurdish Studies Series

The salience of Kurdish political, social, economic and cultural developments for the Middle East and for wider geopolitics is being increasingly reflected in the upsurge of research in this area.  

Convened by Zeynep Kaya and Robert Lowe, this series encourages dissemination and discussion of new research on Kurdish politics and society and provides a network for scholars and students with shared research interests.


Event Series

During term-time, public lectures and research seminars will be held regularly. Events are open to the public and are free of charge, unless otherwise stated. 

View forthcoming events


Publication Series

Working with I.B. Tauris, we have launched a new publications series devoted to Kurdish studies. 

View forthcoming publications


Most of our events are recorded and available on podcast. 

Listen to past events

If you're interested in learning more about the Kurdish Studies Series, please to the Middle East Centre's mailing list and tick 'Kurdistan' as an interest.