LL441E      Half Unit
Employment Law

This information is for the 2019/20 session.

Teacher responsible

Dr Astrid Sanders NAB7.19


This course is available on the Executive LLM. This course is not available as an outside option.

Available to Executive LLM students only. This course will be offered on the Executive LLM during the four year degree period. The Department of Law will not offer all Executive LLM courses every year, although some of the more popular courses may be offered in each year, or more than once each year. Please note that whilst it is the Department of Law's intention to offer all Executive LLM courses, its ability to do so will depend on the availability of the staff member in question. For more information please refer to the Department of Law website.

Course content

Regulation of the content and the form of the employment relation. The contract of employment, including express and implied terms and the scope of employment law. Regulation of minimum wage and working time. Protection against discrimination in the workplace. Discipline and protection from dismissal and termination of employment. The approach involves theoretical perspectives, economic analysis, comparative law of employment, and examination of relevant European law.


24-26 hours of contact time.

Formative coursework

All students are expected to produce one 2,000 word formative essay during the course.

Indicative reading

Detailed syllabus of readings will be available and the materials can all be accessed through Moodle. Hugh Collins, Employment Law, 2nd edn (Oxford University Press, 2010), Chapters 1-9 or Hugh Collins, KD Ewing and Aileen McColgan, Labour Law (2nd edition, CUP 2019).


Assessment path 1
Essay (100%, 8000 words).

Assessment path 2
Take home exam (100%).

Key facts

Department: Law

Total students 2018/19: Unavailable

Average class size 2018/19: Unavailable

Controlled access 2018/19: No

Value: Half Unit

Personal development skills

  • Communication
  • Specialist skills