EC315GC      Half Unit
International Economics (Spring Semester)

This information is for the 2020/21 session.

Teacher responsible

Dr Gianluca Benigno 32L. 1.12


This course is available to General Course ‘Spring Semester’ students.


Students should have completed Microeconomic Principles I (EC201) or Microeconomic Principles II (EC202) or equivalent and Macroeconomic Principles (EC210) or equivalent.

Course content

International Macroeconomics: This section of the course offers an introduction to international macroeconomic theory and develops the main tools for macroeconomic policy analysis. We start by studying the accounting identities in open economy, the balance of payments and the determinants of the current account with the aim of understanding the causes and consequences of global imbalances.  We then continue by studying the determination of exchange rates, money, and prices in open economies. We discuss the costs and benefits of different nominal exchange rate regimes and their sustainability, as well as examine the causes and consequences of speculative attacks and financial crises. Lastly we study the policy options when economies faces liquidity traps and/or secular stagnation.


15 hours of lectures and 10 hours of classes in the LT.

This course is delivered through a combination of classes and lectures totalling a minimum of 25 hours across the Lent Term. This year, some or all of this teaching will be delivered through a combination of virtual classes, live streamed (recorded) lectures, and some flipped content delivered as short online videos.

Formative coursework

Students will be expected to complete a problem set weekly, and two of these collected at random for marking and feedback.

Indicative reading

Paul Krugman, Marc Melitz and Maurice Obstfeld; International Economics: Theory and Policy, 10th ed.


Exam (100%, duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes, reading time: 15 minutes) in the summer exam period.

Important information in response to COVID-19

Please note that during 2020/21 academic year some variation to teaching and learning activities may be required to respond to changes in public health advice and/or to account for the situation of students in attendance on campus and those studying online during the early part of the academic year. For assessment, this may involve changes to mode of delivery and/or the format or weighting of assessments. Changes will only be made if required and students will be notified about any changes to teaching or assessment plans at the earliest opportunity.

Key facts

Department: Economics

Total students 2019/20: Unavailable

Average class size 2019/20: Unavailable

Capped 2019/20: No

Value: Half Unit

Personal development skills

  • Self-management
  • Problem solving
  • Application of numeracy skills