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MRes/PhD in Management (Organisational Behaviour)

Programme Structure - MRes

Programme code: TMRESMGOB

Department: Management

For students starting this programme of study in 2020/21

Guidelines for interpreting programme regulations

Year 1

Research Practicum

Throughout the first 2 years of their programme students will be required to participate in Research Practicums where they are assigned to a member of Faculty to jointly explore research collaborations. These interactions are intended to allow students to explore in-depth research topics and shape research projects besides their main dissertation (MG599) in Year 2,

Research proposal

At the end of Year 1 students submit an initial "research proposal". Students will be expected to start work on developing this proposal over the summer period.

Training Course

Compulsory (not examined):


MG5A1 A Social Sciences Perspective of Academic Research in Management (0.0)

Paper 1

MG505 Research in Organisational Behaviour Seminar I (0.5)  (not available 2021/22)

Paper 2

MG4C2 Organisational Behaviour (0.5) or


PB431 Social Psychology of Economic Life: Advanced Topics (0.5)


or equivalent to be agreed with their supervisor and programme director.

Paper 3

MY500 Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design (0.5)


If an MRes student enters the programme with a previous research design training; alternative, advanced research design courses can be taken, such as MY556 Survey Methodology (0.5) with supervisor permission, timetable permitting

Paper 4

MY521 Qualitative Research Methods (0.5)  (withdrawn 2021/22)


If an MRes student enters the programme with previous qualitative methods training; alternative advanced qualitative methods courses such as: MY526 Doing Ethnography (0.5); MY527 Qualitative Research with Non-Traditional Data (0.5); MY528 Qualitative Text Analysis (0.5), can be taken with supervisor permission, timetable permitting .

Paper 5

MY551 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis (0.5)  (withdrawn 2021/22) or


MY552 Applied Regression Analysis (0.5) #  (withdrawn 2021/22) or


MY555 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (0.5) # or


If an MRes student enters the programme with previous quantitative methods training; alternative, advanced quantitative methods courses can be taken, with supervisor permission, timetable permitting. Some examples are as follows:


MY557 Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies (0.5) #


MY559 Special Topics in Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative Text Analysis (0.5) #


MY561 Social Network Analysis (0.5)


ST452 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I (0.5)


ST501 Multilevel Modelling (0.5) #


Given the Organisational Behaviour domain is multidisciplinary, the student can take an equivalent, appropriate MSc or PhD level course that is aligned with the student’s dissertation and research interest from within the Department of Management or from another department, with supervisor permission, timetable permitting.

Year 2


From the start of MT in Year 2 students continue to shape their research proposal and will be given ongoing feedback, and the opportunity to develop ideas.

Paper 6

MG525 Research in Organisational Behaviour Seminar II (0.5)

Paper 7

Courses to the value of 1.0 units from the following:


MG475 Organisational Theory (0.5) or


MG476 Corporate Social Responsibility and International Labour Standards (0.5) # or


MG512 Marketing I: Consumer Behaviour and Quantitative Modelling (0.5)  (not available 2021/22) or


MG515 Social Organisation (0.5) #  (not available 2021/22) or


MY528 Qualitative Text and Discourse Analysis (0.5) # or


MY530 Advanced Qualitative Research Workshops (0.0) # or


MY551 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis (0.5)  (withdrawn 2021/22) or


MY552 Applied Regression Analysis (0.5) #  (withdrawn 2021/22) or


MY555 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (0.5) #

Paper 8

MG599 Research Proposal Paper in Management (1.0)


Annual Progress Review
In order to progress unconditionally from the first to the second year of MRes registration students are required to achieve pass marks of 60% in 2.5 units (4 classifications marks). Students that do not attain this standard may still be able to progress as follows, subject to approval by the Programme Director:

Students may fall short of this requirement by up to 1 unit of marks; which may consist of up to a maximum of 0.5 unit mark of fail and/or a 0.5 unit mark of between 50-59. Students will resit at the next available opportunity. Where a student is resitting a course they have passed in order to meet the progression requirements the new mark will not show on the transcript or be used to calculate the award of the degree.

There will be regular student progress reviews each term by the Department of Management (DOM) PhD committee. An Annual Progress review for Years 1 and 2 of the PhD programme will take place between May and July. The Panel will include the Programme Director and the Chair of the DOM PhD committee. All final progression decisions are reviewed and approved by the DOM PhD Committee.

End of Year 1: The APR in Year 1 will review the Research Proposal outline, consider attendance in MY5A1, participation in the Research Practicums, supervision attendance, supervisor(s) progress reports and scores on the MRes papers.  Re-registration for the following year will be approved by the PhD Programme Director, and on the expectation of the student will achieve the marks required in any resit exams.

End of Year 2:  The APR in Year 2 will review the successful completion of second year course work with marks meeting the required standards, the quality and contribution of MG599 paper and satisfaction with progress and participation in the programme. Recommendation for re-registration for the following year will be based on the successful completion of the previous year, and on the expectation of the student will achieve the marks required in any resit exams.

End of Year 3: Re-registration in  year 4 will be based on students achieving the required grades in any resit exams, successfully upgrading and passing the PhD review process, having made satisfactory progress on research activity and approved for re-registration  by the Programme Director in close consultation with Supervisors and the DOM PhD committee.

Year 4:  Re-registration in year 5 will be based on continued satisfactory progress and the approval  for re-registration by the Programme Director  in close consultation with supervisors and the DOM PhD committee.

Award of the MRes in Management – Organisational Behaviour

The award and classification of the MRes degree will be subject to the normal application of the School's Scheme for the Award of a five-unit Taught Masters Degree.

Progression to PhD registration

In order to progress and upgrade to PhD registration students must have taken and passed all 5 units (10 classification marks) with a grade of 60% or higher by the end of the programme. Students can compensate by achieving an aggregate of 300 marks (with no failed papers) which must include a grade of 60% in their core seminar.

Students registered for the PhD remain subject to the relevant MRes regulations for any courses or examinations they are completing. Students missing the overall progression requirement by 0.5 paper are permitted to progress to PhD registration, but will subsequently need to re-sit and pass the paper to the necessary standard to continue their PhD registration. Students failing to meet this standard will have their PhD registration discontinued.

The final decision to upgrade to PhD is taken by the Department’s PhD committee and is based on successful completion of the MRes requirements as specified above as well as satisfactory progress in their research activities and approval of their Research Proposal by the Upgrade Panel. The Upgrade Panel will consist of two research area faculty and the student’s two supervisors

In Year 3 students must also pass the PhD Review process. This will be reported on to the PhD committee at the end of Year 3 along with any results from resits taken in that year.


# means there may be prerequisites for this course. Please view the course guide for more information.

Programme Structure - PhD

Programme code: RPMGOB

Years 3,5 If upgraded to PhD

Years 3-5

By the end of Year 3 students are expected to have upgraded to PhD PhD students will meet regularly with their Supervisor(s) each term throughout Year 3-5. After Upgrade they are expected to focus on the research and writing of their thesis, the continued development of research ideas for publication, participation in relevant training courses and career development activities.

Award of the PhD

The PhD is awarded according to the rules of ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳.