PB417      Half Unit
Consumer Psychology for Sustainability

This information is for the 2023/24 session.

Teacher responsible

Prof Saadi Lahlou and Dr Maxi Heitmayer


This course is available on the MSc in Behavioural Science, MSc in Organisational and Social Psychology, MSc in Psychology of Economic Life, MSc in Social and Cultural Psychology and MSc in Social and Public Communication. This course is available with permission as an outside option to students on other programmes where regulations permit.

Course content

The objectives of the course are:

  1. to provide students with an understanding of the social, psychological and cognitive processes underpinning the consumption of goods and services and their impact;
  2. to explore alternative ways of relating to users/consumers than those based solely on market and competition and use these understandings to develop/move towards alternative sustainable routes for consumption; and
  3. to prepare students to build better business models (e.g. social entrepreneurship, more sustainable, and so on) for the provision of goods and services.

The course will address the psychology of consumption at different levels of analysis: individual, group and societal. It will ground this psychology in the relevant literature, and teach students foundational theories, allowing them to develop a mental model of human behaviour as it relates to consumption.

This is not a standard marketing or consumer research course. It is not about brand territories and market shares, but about how understanding various psychological processes in conjunction with these forces can provide us with tools to improve the world. How can we leverage consumer psychology to solve our sustainability problem?


20 hours of lectures and 15 hours of seminars in the WT.

Formative coursework

1 x essay plan submitted in the WT.

Indicative reading

  • Baca-Motes, K., Brown, A., Gneezy, A., Keenan, E. A., & Nelson, L. D. (2012). Commitment and Behavior Change: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(5), 1070-1084.
  • Belk, R.W. (1988). Possessions and the Extended Self. Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2), 139-168.
  • Belk, R. (2010). Sharing. Journal of Consumer Research, 36(5), 715–734.
  • Bendapudi, N.& Leone, R.P. (2003). Psychological Implications of Customer Participation in Co-Production. Journal of Marketing, 67(1), 14-28.
  • Cialdini, R.B., & Goldstein, N.J. (2004). Social Influence: Compliance and conformity. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 591-622.
  • Griskevicius, V. & Kenrick, D.T. (2013). Fundamental motives: How Evolutionary Needs Influence Consumer Behaviour. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(3), 372-386.
  • Jensen schau, H., & Gilly, M. (2003). We Are What We Post? Self-Presentation in Personal Web Space. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(3), 385-404.
  • Lahlou, S. (2017). Installation theory: the societal construction and regulation of behaviour. Cambridge University Press.
  • Luchs, M. G., Naylor, R. W., Irwin, J. R., & Raghunathan, R. (2010). The Sustainability Liability: Potential negative Effects of Ethicality on Product Preference. Journal of Marketing, 74(5), 18-31.
  • Muniz, A. M., & O’Guinn, T. C. (2001). Brand Community. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(4), 412–432.
  • Richins, M. L., & Chaplin, L. N. (2015). Material parenting: How the use of goods in parenting fosters materialism in the next generation. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(6), 1333- 1357.
  • Rysman, M. (2009). The Economics of Two-Sided Markets. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(3), 125-143.
  • Waring, T. M., Goff, S. H., & Smaldino, P. E. (2017). The Coevolution of Economic Institutions and Sustainable Consumption via Cultural Group Selection. Ecological Economics, 131, 524–532.


Essay (100%, 3000 words) in the ST.

The assignment is part of the learning process: analysing a real case and making sound recommendations will help to provide students with the transferable skills necessary to make the world a better place. In the first part, 'memorandum' (1,000 words), you will be asked to prepare a memorandum or open letter to the head of an organisation of your choice, with recommendations to improve the organisation by making it more sustainable. The recommendations must be realistic – they must be achievable and make business sense. In the second part of the essay, 'justification' (2,000 words), you will justify the specific recommendations presented in the memorandum with reference to theoretical and empirical literature and concepts. We encourage the best essays to be published as open letters.

Key facts

Department: Psychological and Behavioural Science

Total students 2022/23: 36

Average class size 2022/23: 18

Controlled access 2022/23: Yes

Lecture capture used 2022/23: Yes (LT)

Value: Half Unit

Course selection videos

Some departments have produced short videos to introduce their courses. Please refer to the course selection videos index page for further information.

Personal development skills

  • Leadership
  • Self-management
  • Problem solving
  • Application of information skills
  • Communication
  • Application of numeracy skills
  • Commercial awareness