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Organizing Risk Group

Organizing Risk Group (ORG) is an international and interdisciplinary academic network of researchers in management and other social sciences interested in risk and risk management. Their research covers a variety of topics including riskwork and risk management practices, crisis management and business continuity, internal controls and auditing, decision-making and risk regulation.

As issues of risk cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries, the group is open to the use of multiple perspectives and research methods to better understand the complex relationship between risk and organizing, including organization theory, strategy, and accounting as well as social studies of finance or of science and technology. 

Organizing team

Tommaso Palermo (London School of Economics), (Ecole Polytechnique), (University of Sydney), Mike Power (London School of Economics) and  (Copenhagen Business School).

Join us!

ORG welcomes any academic or practitioner interested in developing and sharing reflexive and critical knowledge on risk and risk management. If you are interested in joining the community, please send us an email at: org.risk.group@gmail.com to enroll our mailing list.

News and Events

ORG holds a bi-annual sub-theme on risk at EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies) and organizes special research events.

 Upcoming events

  • , Athens, “Sub-theme 28: Organizing Risk for Lasting Creativity”, organized by Tommaso Palermo, Julie Mayer, Christian Huber.

Former events

  • ORG workshop “Organizing risk and managing supply chains”, 27-28 June 2024, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) and online. Call for papers.
  • , Cagliari, “Sub-theme 58: Organizing Risk for Better Futures”, organized by Tommaso Palermo, Julie Mayer, Steve Maguire.
  • , Cagliari, “Sub-theme 58: Organizing Risk for Better Futures”, organized by Tommaso Palermo, Julie Mayer, Steve Maguire.
  • ORG workshop “(Re)constructing risks for decision making”, 4th and 5th July 2022, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) and online.
  • , Amsterdam, “Sub-theme 58: Organizing in an Era of Riskification”, organized by Julie Mayer Mike Power, Steve Maguire and Tommaso Palermo.
  • , Edinburg, “Sub-theme 17: Enlightening the Future through Riskwork”, organized by Mike Power, Steve Maguire and Julie Mayer.
  • , Copenhagen, “Sub-theme 16: Risk, Value and Virtue in the Audit Society”, organized by Mike Power, Steve Maguire and Roger Friedland.
  • , Athens, “Sub-theme 47: Risk and Organizations: Understanding Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility in Risk Management”, organized by Robert P. Gephart Jr, Steve Maguire and Mike Power.
  • , Helsinki “Sub-theme 28: Risks of Organizing and Organizing of Risks », organized by Steve Maguire and Nelson Phillips

Recent Publications

  • Hardy, C., Maguire, S., Power, M., & Tsoukas, H. (2020). Organizing risk: Organization and management theory for the risk society. Academy of Management Annals, 14(2), 1032-1066. Available
  • Palermo, T., Power, M., & Ashby, S. (2017). Navigating institutional complexity: The production of risk culture in the financial sector. Journal of Management Studies, 54(2), 154-181. Available
  • Hardy, C., & Maguire, S. (2016). Organizing risk: Discourse, power, and “riskification”. Academy of Management Review, 41(1), 80-108. Available
  • Power, M. (Ed.). (2016). Riskwork: Essays on the organizational life of risk management. Oxford University Press.