UN at ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ publications


United Nations at ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ publishes a variety of content aimed at influencing business engagement with global challenges, mainstreaming a human security approach and contributing to policy formation.


Food for thought: Ingredients for a novel method for ESG and social impact measurement using the Human Security approach

This paper examines the challenges of ESG, the current state of play of social impact measurement and the potential of the Human Security approach.

Mapping of ESG frameworks and standards and their connection to the Human Security approach 

The report explores congruence between some of the major environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) impact frameworks and standards with Human Security- informed approach to the role of business as social and development actor, and proposes  policy and practice change to improve corporate accountability and responsibility standards.

Sustainable Raw Materials Sourcing: From Compliance to Impactful Engagement

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ IDEAS contributed to this CSR Europe Postion paper as a knowledge partner following a series of discussions and research exercises

Delivering sustainability and social impact though community engagement: A people-centred approach

This report explores the transformative discussions that unfolded at the recent roundtable, "Delivering sustainability and social impact through community engagement: A people-centred approach." Organized collaboratively by ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ IDEAS, ESSEC IRENE, UN Trust Fund for Human Security, and the Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law, this event, held at ESSEC IRENE Paris on 26-27 September 2023, delved into emerging policies and practices for managing local-level risks and opportunities within social impact and ESG strategies.

Maximising business contributions to sustainable development and positive peace: A human security approach

This report examines how business can contribute to meeting the challenges of a world struggling to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and make changes to traditional models of capitalism and investment.

Human Security Business Partnership Framework: a risk-informed approach to achieve the SDGs 

This report summarises the Human Security Business Partnership (HSBP) Framework, an innovative model to assist companies and investors to partner with governments, the UN system, and local stakeholders to achieve the ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The model was developed by ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ IDEAS and research partners, ESSEC-Irene, Business and Human Rights, Peace Startup, Build Up and International Alert, with the United Nations Human Security Unit.

Human Security Business Partnerships: A framework for collaborative action and innovation 

This report presents the Human Security Business Partnership Framework, an innovative model to assist companies and investors work with communities, the UN system and local stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to peacebuilding and reconciliation in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Peacebuilding and responding to the pandemic in Colombia – what works on the ground? 

Summary and reports from ‘Lessons of the Territorial Peace in Times of COVID-19’ held between 23 and 27 November 2020. The report is available in English and in Spanish.

People, Profits and Peace: Proposals for a human security approach for the private sector towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals - February 2019

New Approaches to Assessing the Social Impact of Business in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings Discussion Paper and Executive Summary - July 2020. 

Mark van Dorp (Bureau Van Dorp) and Marcel Smits (FCS Impact and the Institute for Economics & Peace) review current knowledge and practices around ESG impact measurement in more Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings (FCS) including the barriers and opportunities for applying new social impact assessment guidance that would contribute to responsible and sustainable business conduct.

Policy Briefs

Shared Value Creation and the Human Security approach

The paper discusses the transition from profit-driven business models to those that prioritize shared value creation, highlighting the importance of frameworks like the Human Security approach in measuring and enhancing the social impact of corporate activities.

Europe’s Drive to Improve Corporate Responsibility: Be Careful What You Wish For

The policy brief highlights challenges facing companies and policy makers in the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) which requires companies operating in Europe to comply with social impact standards stemming from the European Green Deal commitments.

'Better Together': Lessons from Private Sector Responses to COVID-19 

This paper looks at examples gathered by the Better Together website, launched by the UN Business and Human Security Initiative at ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ IDEAS in April 2020. It highlights trends in business social initiatives and actions for impact, and how the private sector is reacting to the multiple forms of vulnerability and human insecurity exposed by the crisis. 

Technology in Fragile Contexts: Engagement, Partnerships, and Positive Action 

This briefing paper from JustPeace Labs and ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ IDEAS examines how we can build multi-stakeholder partnerships to bolster the contribution of information and communication technologies (ICT or “technology”) to peace and human security.

The Social Impact of Business in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings: Contributing to the SDGs and reducing local ESG risks by using Human Security and Positive Peace 

Policy Brief written by Mark van Dorp and Marcel Smits, December 2020

From philanthropy to co-construction: Assessing private sector engagement in the Colombian peace process 

Policy Brief written by Mary Martin, July 2020

Maximising the Role of Business in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Environments: Women’s Contributions to Peace 

Policy Brief written by Christina Bache, March 2020

Aspiration or ambivalence? The frustrated ambitions of business partnerships and the SDGs 

Policy Brief written by Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, July 2019

Blogs and Media Activity

'by Mark van Dorp, June 2023

by Dr Mary Martin, article in The European, Winter 2022/2023


Dr Mary Martin spoke about her book “” with Dr Leandra Bias for the inaugural episode of swisspeace's new podcast Conflicts of Interest. Drawing on the experiences of large corporations such as Fiat or ArcelorMittal, she underlines the critical role that big businesses play in building a safer world, in the face of failed states, health pandemics, insurgencies and organized crime. 

 - Mary Martin in Business Post, December 2020

 - May 2020

- Mary Martin - April 2020

 - April 2020

 - December 2019