TransCrisis Publications

TransCrisis Publications

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Relevant Publications

Project Deliverables

WP2: Understanding Transboundary Crisis Management

D2.1a TransCrisis Analytical Framework
D2.1c Cognitive Mapping Guidelines
D2.2 Final Codebook

WP3: Studying Political Leaders in the Financial Crisis

D3.1 Cognitive Mapping Coding Manual
D3.2 Studying Political Leaders in the Financial Crisis: Completion reports and launch of databases of leaders’ cognitive maps, citizens’ cognitive maps and of public discourse
D3.3 Final Report for WP3: Making Meaning of the Euro-crisis

WP4: Political Leadership, EU Institutions and Transboundary Crisis Management

D4.1 Inventory of Commission, European Council & Council of the European Union Crisis Capacities
D4.2 Crisis Management Capacity in the European Commission, European Council and the Council of the European Union – Final Report for sub-WP4.1
D4.3 Policy paper on the informal agenda setting power of the European Parliament, with particular focus on agenda setting power in situations of crisis
D4.5 Papers based on analysis of a dataset of European agencies heads and board members, on the survey of agency heads and board members, and on three case studies

WP5: Political Leadership, Modes of Governance and Transboundary Management Capacity

D5.1 European Government of Crisis
D5.2.1 Key findings and synthesis of inter-­‐institutional co-­‐operation and crisis management capacities in the area of immigration

WP6: Political Leadership, National Politics, and Transboundary Crisis Management

D6.1 Mapping Backsliding and Report on Workshop
D6.2 Backsliding in area of constitutional safeguards and independent institutions, corruption control, and general equality and minorities
D6.3 Summary of insights from knowledge exchange workshop

WP7: Political Leadership in the EU and the New Normal

D7.1 Crisis capital management development: A Survey Tool
D7.2 Summary of key research findings and policy recommendations
D7.3a White Paper – Dealing with Transboundary Crises in the European Union: Options for enhancing effective and legitimate transboundary crisis management capacities
D7.3b White Paper – Enhancing the EU’s Transboundary Crisis Management Capacity: Recommendations for Practice
D7.4 Future Research Recommendations
Reforming the hidden wiring of the banking union

Project Management documents

D1.2 TransCrisis Ethics Statement
D1.6 Personal Data Use Declaration
D9.1 Ethics Statement for HUMANS


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